The ADR (Alternative Democratic Reform Party*) thinks that the best solution for the future of public transportation in Luxembourg would be a metro, not the tramway. The building of a subway tunnel in only three years in Leipzig is cited has an example. Leipzig has 500 000 habitants, five times more than Luxembourg (surrounding comunes included). The city tunnel was built to complete the suburban train system, and it's not a metropolitan subway. A similar project in Luxembourg would mean extending the train lines from the Gare up to Kirchberg, with an additional central station in the Centre-Ville. By the way, Leipzig's suburban tunnel is a seven years project, with the following anounced benefits: "More than 320,000 car km per day will be avoided. This will considerably increase the City’s share in short-distance public transport. Shorter travelling time between medium level centres and the city centre of Leipzig. Better connection and development of the airport, New Fair Ground, the media centre and the city centre. Better connections of the south west region of Saxony to Greater Leipzig and the city centre. Additional axis for high-speed long distance traffic from Berlin via Leipzig, Nuremberg to Munich. Positive influence on employment situation (directly and indirectly) by creating up to 1,500 jobs during the construction phase."

Let's get real?
Leipzig's Central Station is one of the largest terminus train stations in Europe. A few years ago sections of the Station were altered to house a state-of-the-art shopping and service centre.
More posts about the tramway here.
Let's get real?
More posts about the tramway here.
I've written an article about the infamous adr-"city-tunnel" myself:
I wonder why they don't even mention how they want to overcome the difficulties with the topography of Luxembourg-City. How should a subway-train pass the valley of the petrusse?
The Petrusse and Alzette valleys have to be crossed somehow. If the City Tunnel were to cross under these, how would one get to the surface of the town centre from so far underground? Building additional Bridges across the valleys would be optically quite unattractive and meet with much public resistance.
Instead of continuing the bickering about yet another transport solution, why not consider extensions to the tram network: a connection to the northern railway line, a connection towards Howald, and finally towards the Airport and Munsbach, to join the Trier railway line. The latter has much more need for resources than the dream of having a Metro, as it is under-equipped relative to the potential demand by German commuters. These are often left with little choice but to use a car to even get as far as Luxemburg!
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