
Where I Lay My Head (and my bones...) Is Home: Some statistical facts about dual citizenship in Luxembourg

(see the original charts in http://www.statistiques.public.lu/)

The red line at the bottom of the chart represents the number of foreigners that actually died in Luxembourg from 2001 to 2006 (arithmetic mean: 613 per year). Compare it with the blue line at the the top(arithmetic mean: 3133). Luxembourgers/foreigners death percentages: 83,6 / 16,4 %. Luxembourgers/foreigners total population percentages: 61,2 / 38,8 % (arithmetic means per year, again). Now think that some (most? half?) of this foreigners didn't choose to die in Luxembourg (road or work accident, sudden death, whatever...).
Surprised? I'm not.

And I'm also not too keen on the traditional idea of patriotism. In fact, I think most of it is a bunch of nonsense, and "national" traditions just a model for those who are too lazy or too stupid to think for themselves. But I do believe in citizenship, in responsibility, in rights and duties. The kind of citizenship built in Europe after the French Revolution (but not in France, it seems...).

There is no true citizenship without integration. The dual citizenship law in Luxembourg will only serve economical purposes. Luxembourg needs citizens, not "nationals", and those can not be created by law. True integration will come later, when people will be willing to die in Luxembourg. That's why I see no point in the "patriotic debate". It's only a question of money, a question of labour force. The patriotic debate will eventually boost up some clever (sorry for the incoherence) extreme right political formation, and that's it.

I also find the linguistic question to be a joke in a country with three official languages ("triglossie", they call it, in French...). But the language tests can be a good thing. In fact language tests can help improve the Luxembourgish statistics on accidents at work. It's different to be able to understand "José, bring me that cement bucket" (level A2) or "José, bring me that cement bucket without falling off the scaffold" (level B1).


Jacques René Zammit said...

Hi. Great post. I'm a regular reader of your blog though I do not "correct your engrish" as often as I would love to. (You know blogging and time). This issue of integration is interesting. I believe that luxembourg has to come to terms with the fact that a large chunk of immigration to this country is volatile and temporary.

Luxembourg is not attractive of itself and in itself. It is the employment that is available in Luxembourh that is. It is a sad situation that could be remedied without much effort. Rather than a programme for full integration (that could be seen as a threat to the "real" locals) I would favour a programme of positive symbiosis.

The quality of life in Luxembourg would probably make a huge leap if there was more space for open interaction. As it stands both physical and social structures only provide for ghettification of the various nationalities present. The only interaction of Luxembourgers vs the Rest occurs at the end of a Maestro card transaction or bank transfer to pay the rent.

Not exactly the foundation for mutual improvement, interaction and intercultural exchange. London might be an interesting model to follow. It only takes some goodwill.

Tyrannosaurus Z. said...

Thanks for reading me. And please keep on with the "Luxemburgensia" series at J'accuse.